Discover Smooth, Healthy Skin with MicroLaserPeel at Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery

The MicroLaserPeel skin treatment is offered by Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery as an alternative to other skin resurfacing techniques, such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion. MicroLaserPeel involves removing the damaged surface layer of skin so that the epidermis can generate a new top layer, which will appear healthy, luminous, and youthful. The skin produced after your resurfacing procedure will be tighter and display reduced sun damage, scarring, and fine lines. Dr. Jennifer Parker Porter and her team perform laser skin treatment procedures that focus on eliminating fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and general sun damage from facial problem areas like the skin around the eyes, mouth, and forehead. If you’d like to learn more about MicroLaserPeel, or if you’re interested in exploring the other surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation options we offer, our team is standing by and ready to help. Just reach out to Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery in Bethesda, Maryland and speak with a staff member to set up your initial consultation today.

Is MicroLaserPeel Right for Me?

MicroLaserPeel is a wonderful treatment for lighter skin types, thanks to its ability to work at a more superficial level than other, more traditional laser resurfacing treatments. We use a technology known as the Zimmer chiller for these treatments, which enables us to cool the skin during the procedure and ensure that you experience an optimal level of comfort while we create your exciting results.

After the treatment is over, you may feel as though you have a light sunburn. Further cooling and the application of the Alastin Skin Nectar will help you enjoy rapid healing and ensure that your downtime is minimized after the procedure is over. Makeup can be worn two to four days after treatment and will depend on how aggressive you would like the treatment to be.

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MicroLaserPeel vs. NanoLaserPeel

MicroLaserPeel can be performed anywhere from 10 microns or deeper. NanoLaserPeel treatments are more shallow, with the deepest being 10 microns and the most superficial being 4 microns. MicroLaserPeels will require more healing time but will also yield quicker results with fewer treatments. The use of a medical-grade skincare line after the treatment will significantly help to preserve your investment in your skin. Patient-centric care is one of the cornerstones of our mission statement here at Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery. We’ll work closely with you to ensure that you understand the difference between the various treatment options we offer, and work to guide you to the procedural choice that’s right for you and your goals.

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Combining Your Procedures Creating Comprehensive Results

BroadBand Light therapy is the perfect procedural method by which you can accelerate the improvement of fine lines and reduce the freckling seen with sun damage. Performing MicroLaserPeel immediately after your BBL treatment will help to enhance your results. These two treatments work synergistically to improve the tone and texture of your skin, with the addition of plasma to the surface of the skin accelerating its healing process and boosting your body’s natural collagen production.

We also combine the MicroLaserPeel treatment with Aerolase Neo, which helps to stimulate collagen and tighten pores for a more supple, youthful appearance. If this option is right for you, the Aerolase Neo treatment will be performed prior to your MicroLaserPeel. Our team will give you a clear understanding of exactly what you can expect during your preprocedural consultation at our Bethesda, Maryland office.

Our MicroLaserPeel Results

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Schedule a Consultation Today

MicroLaserPeel is just one of many ways that we can address your cosmetic concerns, whatever they may be. For more than two decades now, we’ve earned a reputation for creating excellent results that truly exceed our patients’ expectations, and we can’t wait to introduce you to the advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology that we’ll be using to enhance your look and leave you feeling refreshed and youthful.

Ready to get started? A member of our team is standing by and will be ready to help you set up your initial consultation. Simply reach out to us at our Bethesda, Maryland location and speak to a staff member to schedule your appointment today.

Enhancing Your NaturalBeauty

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