Fine lines and wrinkles are certainly a normal part of the natural aging process, but they don’t have to be permanent features thanks to our selection of injectable wrinkle relaxers. These treatments work to directly mitigate the formation of what are known as dynamic wrinkles, smoothing over those that already exist while preventing more from forming in the future…all with minimal downtime and a reduced recovery period.

Selecting the Right Wrinkle Relaxer for You

Jeuveau® Daxxify is the latest addition to the already popular line of available botulinum toxin products. Jeuveau Daxxify acts more directly and has less spread than BOTOX® or Dysport®, which we also offer. As part of your initial consultation, Dr. Porter will analyze your face and recommend which neurotoxin will be best for you. She frequently uses a combination of Botox, Jeuveau Daxxify, and Dysport so that she can target wrinkles as effectively as possible.

Injectable wrinkle relaxers are just one of many ways that we can help you turn back the clock and say hello to a more rejuvenated and revitalized version of yourself. Thanks to the leadership of Dr. Porter, our practice has earned a reputation for excellence in Bethesda, Maryland, and the surrounding areas. When you’re ready to learn more about what we can do for you, reach out to us and set up your initial consultation.

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How Do Wrinkle Relaxers Work?

Wrinkle relaxers specifically target lines and wrinkles that are referred to as “dynamic wrinkles.” While static wrinkles are formed by a gradual increase in skin laxity and the sagging or drooping that can result, dynamic wrinkles are actually formed by the consistent usage of your facial muscles as you perform activities like eating, speaking, and forming facial expressions each day.

Wrinkle relaxers—also known as neuromodulators—create their results by interrupting the nerve signals that tell these facial muscles to move, in the first place. By hitting the “pause button,” in a manner of speaking, on these facial muscles, wrinkle relaxers are able to address the presence of fine lines and wrinkles that have already formed while also keeping your facial muscles from contributing to the formation of further wrinkles. These products are specially formulated to interact directly with your facial muscles in a way that doesn’t compromise your ability to form natural facial expressions, so you’ll enjoy an enhanced look without any telltale signs that you’ve had the procedure performed.

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Treating Your Frown Lines with Injectable Wrinkle Relaxers

Addressing Eleven Lines

Neuromodulators can be used to temporarily improve the appearance of frown lines between the eyebrows – also known as the “11s.” Using Daxxify, BOTOX, or Dysport, or a combination of these neuromodulators, a treatment which precisely addresses the patient's individual concerns can be administered.

Forehead Bands and More

We can also use neuromodulators to treat forehead lines, crow’s feet, downturned corners of the mouth, fine wrinkles around the mouth, and chin dimpling. At your consultation, you can discuss which injectable treatment is right for you based on the exact issue you wish to address.

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Creating Your Naturalistic Results

As with other facial cosmetic treatments offered at Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Porter’s goal with wrinkle relaxers is to provide her patients with a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance while preserving a natural look. When beginning your treatment, Dr. Porter will use a conservative approach to reduce signs of aging and ensure you’re able to retain your natural facial expressions.

In order to ensure you are happy with your results, Dr. Porter will ask you to return to her office about two weeks after your initial treatment so she can evaluate the results and hear your feedback. This will also help her better optimize treatment in your future wrinkle relaxer sessions, should you continue to receive treatment. Our goal is to create comprehensive results that exceed your expectations.

Download the Tox2GO Mobile App

To maximize your experience with Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery, we recommend that all of our patients download our app, Tox2GO. This app simplifies your treatment by letting you schedule your visits and communicate your target areas prior to your arrival.

Learn More About Tox2GO

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Discover Your Ideal Treatment Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’re interested in learning how wrinkle relaxers can help improve your appearance, call Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery today to make an appointment for an initial consultation with Dr. Porter. If you’re allergic to the ingredients used in a neuromodulator, or if you have had an allergic reaction to a similar product, but sure to let Dr. Porter know. Additionally, if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or you’re breastfeeding, tell Dr. Porter so she can prepare a treatment plan that is appropriate for you.

Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery is led by Dr. Jennifer Porter, a board-certified, fellowship-trained specialist with extensive experience in facial rejuvenation. She’ll work directly with you to formulate a customized treatment plan that sees you absolutely loving the way you both look and feel. Ready to get started? Our team is here to help. Reach out to us at our Bethesda, Maryland offices and set up your consultation today.

Enhancing Your NaturalBeauty

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