Discover the Juvéderm Difference

Dermal fillers are injectable treatments that restore lost facial volume, correct sagging skin, and smooth over the fine lines and wrinkles that can all form as parts of the natural aging process. By utilizing a synthetic form of hyaluronic acid, these treatments physically restore lost volume while also encouraging your body to produce more of the collagen and elastin that helps your skin retain moisture and generally maintain its youthful, supple look. These products create exciting results without any extensive downtime, enabling you to rejuvenate your look without missing a beat. To learn more about the various Juvéderm products we offer and how they can help you, reach out to us at our Bethesda, Maryland location and set up your initial consultation with a helpful member of our team today.

How Can Juvéderm Fillers  Help?

Volume loss is one of the most common aspects of the natural aging process. As you get older, your skin will eventually produce less and less of the helpful compounds that help it hold onto its youthful, voluminous appearance. The result can start with mild sagging and slight drooping but can eventually lead to the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, and even a somewhat gaunt look.

Dermal fillers in the Juvéderm family help by restoring this lost volume while also encouraging your skin to essentially rejuvenate itself from the inside out, so you can enjoy results that truly last. The best part? Juvéderm in Maryland creates its results without subjecting you to any kind of extensive downtime or lengthy recovery period. You’ll be able to lift your look without taking a hit from your active personal schedule.

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Juvéderm Voluma

Juvéderm Voluma is a gel typically distributed through direct injection into the cheeks for the purpose of assuaging the natural loss of volume that occurs to the skin with age. Direct injection allows for the process to be instantaneous with no downtime required. After an injection session, your natural volume and youthful glow will gradually return, turning back the clock by multiple years and restoring a tighter, firmer look that is often only found in younger skin.

As with all other Juvéderm products, Voluma should be administered by a trained professional. Possible side effects include redness and irritation of the skin, which should disappear within about two weeks. We will discuss any necessary aftercare and things to consider during your consultation.


Vollure is a specialized dermal filler designed primarily for smoothing moderate to severe facial lines and wrinkles, particularly around the nose and mouth, known as nasolabial folds. Unlike other fillers, Vollure utilizes Vycross technology, which blends different molecular weights of hyaluronic acid, resulting in a product that offers both longevity and a smooth, natural appearance. During your consultation, we will assess whether Vollure is the best option for your aesthetic goals.

Following your Vollure treatment, you can typically return to your day-to-day activities immediately. The results are quick to appear, enhancing your facial contours with a subtle and natural softness. Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, or tenderness at the injection site, which generally resolves within two weeks. We will provide you with all the necessary aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth and effective recovery.

Juvéderm Volbella

Volbella is an injectable gel distributed to the lips with the intention of softening and thickening them while also removing unsightly creases from the corner of the mouth. The youthful plumpness of your lips can be enhanced by smoothing over lines and wrinkles for an overall rejuvenated appearance. 

As with all of Juvéderm’s injectable products, there is no downtime after this procedure, so you can quickly and easily return to your normal personal routine. You’ll notice a cosmetic outcome that should quickly become apparent, though your final results will take some time time to manifest fully.

Volbella should be handled by a trained professional, like the ones found at Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery. Our medical team is trained and experienced in this procedure, for results our patients can trust. Possible side effects include tenderness and sensitivity of the lips, which typically heal within a few weeks’ time, if they do occur.

Juvedérm Volux

Introducing Juvedérm Volux, the latest advancement from the Juvéderm family, designed to sculpt and define the jawline and chin. FDA-approved and formulated with hyaluronic acid, Volux offers a contoured, chiseled look with results lasting up to 18 to 24 months. Achieve a defined facial structure with Juvedérm Volux.

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The MDCodes™ Technique

Our Facial Plastic Surgeons have mastered the MDCodes technique that was popularized by world-renowned Brazilian Plastic Surgeon Mauricio de Maio, MD, PhD. This technique takes full advantage of the Juvéderm family of fillers, enabling us to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation that offers our patients a highly effective alternative to more invasive procedures. 

We are excited to offer this technique as part of our repertoire, particularly for our international patients who have had previous success with the MDCodes technique. Want to learn more? Book your consultation with Dr. Porter at our Bethesda, Maryland location today and see if MDCodes is right for you!

Enhancing Your NaturalBeauty

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