Discover Healthy, Clear Skin with Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive approach that reduces facial acne, acne scarring, and milia. By exfoliating and suctioning away dead skin cells, this treatment leaves your face feeling cleaner and looking clearer. It can be an excellent option for patients who want aesthetic benefits without any extended downtime.

Here at Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery, our team specializes in cosmetic procedures for the face, providing you with an array of solutions for more youthful and beautiful features. Our licensed nurses will perform your microdermabrasion treatment following an informative consultation with our practice’s board-certified providers.

For more than two decades, Dr. Jennifer Porter has been helping our team earn a reputation for excellence. She is double board-certified, fellowship-trained, and has extensive experience with facial rejuvenation. To learn more, reach out to our Bethesda, Maryland office and set up your consultation today.

The Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion can help you enjoy smoother, healthier-looking skin as part of a short-term care regimen. Typically, patients come to our office every two weeks for acne treatment or once a month for scarring and milia. After six treatments, we can evaluate the improvement that we’ve achieved. To give you an idea of what to expect, we are usually able to reduce a condition like milia by up to 40%.

One of the biggest reasons that patients choose microdermabrasion is that they can return to their normal daily activities immediately after treatment. Other than a slightly rosy appearance, their skin will not feel tacky, they can put on makeup right away, and they shouldn’t have any residual discomfort.

At Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery, we provide microdermabrasion as an initial treatment option to clear away the upper layer of dead skin cells. After a few appointments, we typically guide patients to solutions that are more beneficial over long-term use. These include chemical peels, HydraFacial®, and SkinPen microneedling.

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Why Choose Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery in Bethesda, Maryland


Our practice utilizes advanced treatment systems to promote patient comfort and great-looking results. With microdermabrasion, we utilize the DiamondTome® wand: a crystal-free device with diamond chips embedded in the tip. The experience is very gentle, and your nurse can customize the treatment to your skin’s needs and sensitivity. Unlike crystal-based devices, DiamondTome doesn’t cause noticeable inflammation or discomfort.


Technology is important, but it’s the extensive knowledge and skill our staff offers you that distinguishes our office’s brand of patient care. Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery exclusively performs procedures related to facial aesthetics, offering everything from non-invasive skincare solutions to brow lifts and eyelid surgery. With over 20 years in practice, our work has benefited hundreds of men and women in Bethesda, Maryland and around the world.


Our expert providers will tailor your treatment to your unique needs and goals, providing excellent care that fits into your daily life. This includes using the latest in healing techniques, advising patients about post-treatment skincare, and recommending procedures that give the best benefits with the shortest downtime. Our practice provides discrete and effective care for those who want natural-looking and attractive improvement.

Your Microdermabrasion Treatment

As part of your initial consultation, you will meet with Dr. Jennifer Porter, along with a licensed Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery nurse. She is double board-certified and has specialized training in facial anatomy and plastic surgery. You will have extensive time during your appointment to receive a comprehensive evaluation, learn about your treatment options, and get answers to any questions you may have.

Caring for Different Types of Skin

One important aspect of procedures such as microdermabrasion is the effect that treatment can have on different types of skin. If you are African American, Latina, or Asian, you may have different needs than other patients. Understanding these differences allows our doctors to make appropriate recommendations about which techniques to use to improve acne, scarring, and milia. When you visit us for your consultation, you’ll get to work with a specialist who will ensure that your treatment is tailored to your unique physical characteristics and individual cosmetic goals.

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Your Treatment Experience

We can often perform microdermabrasion for patients on the same day as their initial consultation. This makes it a great option if you are looking for a treatment that fits into your schedule. Here’s what you can expect during the experience:

  • Your nurse will clean the skin that she will be treating. This not only prepares your face for microdermabrasion but also allows the nurse to evaluate your needs and recommend a facial care regimen that you can follow after your visit.
  • The nurse will make several passes in each area of your face with the microdermabrasion device. She will tailor the treatment based on the severity of the skin condition. If you have minimal scarring or problems with acne, your treatment will be less intensive than if you have significant scarring.
  • After microdermabrasion, your nurse will apply a special facial serum to boost the improvement you get from treatment. This might include an anti-aging formula, pigment control serum, or sunscreen. In some cases, our patients benefit from a combination of serums.
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Enjoying Your Results

By the end of the appointment, your skin should have a rosy appearance but no other obvious signs of treatment. The process will have removed dead skin cells from the surface to allow the serums and home skincare products to reach the deeper layers of tissue, where they can promote clearer, healthier-looking skin. Most patients feel ready to return to their normal activities as soon as their microdermabrasion appointment is over, making it an ideal “lunchbreak” procedure.

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Is microdermabrasion right for every patient?

Does the treatment experience hurt?

Will microdermabrasion get rid of all signs of milia?

How can microdermabrasion treat acne?

Can you help me with acne scarring?

How does the treatment work?

How many sessions will I need?

What are the advantages of microdermabrasion vs. other procedures?

Will I have a lengthy recovery period?

Will my skin tone be a problem?

Is microdermabrasion right for every patient?

Microdermabrasion can help many patients reduce the appearance of acne, scarring, and milia. However, they should rely on the guidance of an experienced doctor before they choose to have treatment.

Our practice doesn’t recommend that patients have microdermabrasion if they have facial rosacea or broken capillaries. The treatment can actually make these conditions worse and, with ongoing microdermabrasion sessions, can cause them to develop even on clear skin.

Does the treatment experience hurt?

Most of our patients find the process comfortable, and the treatment only takes about 25 to 45 minutes. Since we’re centrally located, we see a lot of patients who schedule appointments for their off-time at work and then head right back to their normal activities.

Will microdermabrasion get rid of all signs of milia?

The microdermabrasion procedure can address most signs of milia, particularly if you take proper care of your skin afterward. Our staff will recommend an ongoing regimen that encourages collagen development, clean skin, and youthful features. We also provide a comprehensive line of solutions for aesthetic facial needs, which means that we can support patients at every point in their cosmetic journey with us.

How can microdermabrasion treat acne?

Microdermabrasion is an excellent treatment for severe acne, as it helps to remove the buildup of dead skin cells, oil, and other debris that accumulate on the skin’s surface. These items can clog a person’s pores, causing the tell-tale inflammation and infection that leads to painful breakouts. By clearing away this top layer, the skin will finally have a chance to heal, eventually leading to clearer, brighter skin.

Can you help me with acne scarring?

Microdermabrasion can even sometimes help with acne scars. Because the treatment stimulates the production of collagen, it can help the skin to repair places that have been damaged by acne, reducing or completely eliminating these scars.

How does the treatment work?

The microdermabrasion process involves using a special wand that’s lined with diamond chips. During the procedure, the provider will use this device to scrape away dead skin cells from the top layer of skin (the stratum corneum) on the patient. The device also has a vacuuming feature that immediately clears away this dead tissue. Almost immediately, your body will begin working to replace this layer of skin, sending cells called keratinocytes to repair the damage. The work of these cells is what results in the refreshed and rejuvenated appearance many patients experience.

How many sessions will I need?

For most patients suffering from acne, Dr. Porter recommends six microdermabrasion treatments spaced two weeks apart. This gives the skin of the face enough time to repair itself so that patients can see their final results before determining if the treatment was a success. Frequently, she combines the treatment with Aerolase Neo treatments in order to create enhanced results.

What are the advantages of microdermabrasion vs. other procedures?

The main advantage of microdermabrasion is that it is quick and painless. In fact, the procedure usually only takes about 30 minutes, meaning that patients in Bethesda, Maryland can schedule it on their lunch break or on their way home from work without taking time away from their schedules.

Will I have a lengthy recovery period?

After the procedure, there is no downtime. You will be able to immediately return to the activities you were enjoying beforehand. The only real side effect patients might experience is a pinkish tone to their skin, but this generally disappears within a few hours.

Will my skin tone be a problem?

Microdermabrasion is a gentle procedure which makes it accessible for a wider variety of skin types and tones

Microdermabrasion tackles a wide variety of problems. It has been proven to help with:

  • Visible scarring
  • Stretch marks
  • Discolored patches
  • Small, dynamic wrinkles

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Enjoy the Results You Deserve

For more than two decades, Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery has been earning itself a reputation for excellence in Bethesda, Maryland and around the world. Dr. Jennifer Parker Porter is a double board-certified, fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon who leads an extensively experienced team of caring professionals. When you visit our practice, you’ll experience a truly elevated brand of patient care, thanks to our commitment to ensuring that you’re able to enjoy all the rejuvenation and enhancement we know you deserve.

Ready to learn more about what we can do for you? Reach out to Chevy Chase Facial Plastic Surgery in Bethesda, Maryland and speak with a helpful member of our team today to set up your initial consultation and get started on your exciting cosmetic journey.

Enhancing Your NaturalBeauty

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